Our mission with the logo was to add personality, expressing the friendly-yet-totally-focused approach that helps iVenture attract the best talent. We wanted the tagline to instantly position iVenture as a different kind of IT firm. We created a dynamic tagline to speak to clients, employees and new prospects.

For the website, we boiled down iVenture’s service offerings to highlight what makes them stand out in their market. The site is built in ExpressionEngine and allows the client to update content and add new features to adapt to new marketing demands.

“Guideline helped forge a strong and versatile identity for our company—and then they executed it creatively across all media.”
Mark SchnitziusPresident
iVenture Solutions, Inc.
iVenture’s marketing kit moves through a client’s organization—from office managers to department heads to key decision makers. So we made it flexible, concise and easy to deploy. The messaging is focused and easy to scan at a glance. The content makes complex services understandable, even to non-techie folks. And the kit is editable, so that iVenture can adapt it for key prospects.

When a new brand identity can come to life in unexpected ways, that’s always a good sign. We created a series of cards for employee events in which the logo appears in everything from comics to crop circles. Suddenly, you’re seeing iVenture everywhere.

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